LJHS Computer Applications

Monday, January 3rd


Starter: Welcome Back and Happy New Year to you!!!
Question of the Day
 ~ What is the purpose of Microsoft Excel?
Objective: Introduction to Excel
- Typingmaster - 10 minutes, make SURE you use the correct finger locations on the keyboard 
- Excel - Introduction to Spreadsheets, pgs. 1-8
- Excel - Moving Around, pgs. 9-13, SAVE WORK BUT DO NOT PRINT

Tuesday, January 4th

Question of the Day
 ~ How do you move to a new cell in a spreadsheet?
Objective: Introduction to Excel
- Typingmaster - 10 minutes, make SURE you use the correct finger locations on the keyboard 
- Excel - Moving Around, pgs. 9-13, SAVE WORK BUT DO NOT PRINT

Wednesday, January 5th

Question of the Day
 ~ What is the first thing you must have in a formula?
Objective: Excel basic formulas
- Typingmaster - 10 minutes, make SURE you use the correct finger locations on the keyboard 
- Excel - Chapter 1 Wrap Up, Lesson 2: SUM Function

Thursday, January 6th

Question of the Day ~
What are the indvidual boxes in a spreadsheet called?
Check Infinite Campus
Objective: Excel basic formulas
- Finish Excel Ch. 1 Wrap Up if not already completed
- Typingmaster - 10 minutes, make SURE you use the correct finger locations on the keyboard 
- Excel - Chapter 2: SUM function

Friday, January 7th

Question of the Day ~ If you could be any animal, which would you be and why?
Objective: Excel basic formulas
- Typingmaster - 10 minutes, make SURE you use the correct finger locations on the keyboard 
- Keyboarding Time Test - 16 wpm
- Excel - Chapter 2: SUM function

Monday, January 10th

Question of the Day ~ How do you write a formula to subtract two cells? (pg. 17)
Objective: Excel SUM function
- Typingmaster - 10 minutes, make SURE you use the correct finger locations on the keyboard 
- Excel - Chapter 2, Lesson 2.1: SUM function, pgs. 29-34 and print to turn in

Tuesday, January 11th

Question of the Day ~ How do you write a formula to multiply two cells? (pg. 17)
Objective: Excel Minimum and Maximum function
- Typingmaster - 10 minutes, make SURE you use the correct finger locations on the keyboard 
- Excel - Chapter 2, Lesson 2.2: MIN and MAX functions, pgs. 35-37 and print to turn in

Wednesday, January 12th

Question of the Day
 ~ How do you write a formula to divide two cells? (pg. 18)
Objective: Excel Minimum, Maximum, Average function
- Typingmaster - 10 minutes, make SURE you use the correct finger locations on the keyboard 
- Excel - Chapter 2, Lesson 2.2: MIN and MAX functions, pgs. 35-37 and print to turn in

Friday, January 14th

Question of the Day
 ~ If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
Objective: Excel Minimum, Maximum, Average function
- Typingmaster- 10 minutes, make SURE you use the correct finger locations on the keyboard 
- Excel - Chapter 2, Lesson 2.2: pgs. 35-37 and print to turn in
- Excel - Ch. 2 Wrap Up, pgs. 41-43

Tuesday, January 18th

Question of the Day
 ~ What is the purpose of a pie chart? (pg. 46)
Objective: Review Excel Minimum, Maximum, Average function; learn to create a pie chart
- Typingmaster- 10 minutes, make SURE you use the correct finger locations on the keyboard 
- Excel - Ch. 2 Wrap Up, pgs. 41-43
- Excel - Lesson 3.1 Pie Charts, pg. 46

Wednesday, January 19th

Question of the Day
 ~ What is a legend? (pg. 49)
Objective: Learn to create a pie chart
- Typingmaster- 10 minutes, make SURE you use the correct finger locations on the keyboard 
- Excel - Lesson 3.1 Pie Charts, pg. 46

Thursday, January 20th

MAP Testing - Language

Friday, January 21st

Question of the Day ~ What is your favorite winter activity and why?
Objective: Learn to create a column chart
- Typingmaster- 10 minutes, make SURE you use the correct finger locations on the keyboard 
- Excel - Lesson 3.2 Column Charts

Monday, January 24th

Question of the Day ~ What is the purpose of a column chart?
Objective: Learn to create a column chart
- Typingmaster- 10 minutes, make SURE you use the correct finger locations on the keyboard 
- Excel - Lesson 3.2 Column Charts

Tuesday, January 25th

Question of the Day ~ How do you insert another column in a spreadsheet? (pg. 52)
Objective: Learn to create a column chart and line chart
- Typingmaster- 10 minutes, make SURE you use the correct finger locations on the keyboard 
- Excel - Lesson 3.2 Column Charts
- Excel - Lesson 3.3 Line Charts

Wednesday, January 26th (early release and play  - short period)

Question of the Day ~ What is the purpose of a line chart? (pg. 58)
Objective: Learn to create a line chart
- Excel - Lesson 3.3 Line Charts

Thursday, January 27th

MAP Testing - Reading

Friday, January 28th

Question of the Day ~ If you wanted to find the maximum number between cells C3 and F3, how would you write that formula? (pg. 35)
Objective: Learn to create a line chart with function formulas
- Excel - Lesson 3.3 Line Charts, pgs. 59-62, print on pg. 62 with header and turn in
- Excel Ch.3 Wrap Up, pgs. 63-65, #1-10 - print with answer (ex.   A. True), title at the top, and header to turn in.

Monday, January 31st

Question of the Day ~ In a chart, what is a legend? (pg. 49)
Objective: Excel: to review pie charts/embedded charts
- Excel - Buddy Project pg. 66 "Favorite Types of Pizza"
- Do this assignment on your own after gathering data from students about their favorite type of pizza (you can ask teachers too!)

Tuesday, February 1st

Question of the Day ~ Which button do you use to change the color of your columns in a chart? (pg. 51)
Objective: Excel: to review pie charts/embedded charts
- Excel - Buddy Project pg. 66 "Favorite Types of Pizza"
- Do this assignment on your own after gathering data from students about their favorite type of pizza (you can ask teachers too!)
- Print and turn in the Buddy Project (insert a header or put your name, period, and date in open cells at the bottom)
- If finished please practice keyboarding with Typingmaster or Herzog

Wednesday, February 2nd

Question of the Day ~ What is the keyboard shortcut to bold text? (inside back cover of text)
Objective: Excel: to review pie charts/embedded charts
- keyboarding with Typingmaster or Herzog
- Excel Graphics - Chapter 4, Lesson 4.1, pgs. 68

Thursday, February 3rd

Question of the Day ~ What is the keyboard shortcut to underline text? (inside back cover of text)
Objective: Excel: to review pie charts/embedded charts
- Check Infinite Campus
- keyboarding with Typingmaster or Herzog
- Excel Graphics - Chapter 4, Lesson 4.1, pgs. 68

Friday, February 4th

Question of the Day ~ How do you insert a shape into your Excel spreadsheet? (pg. 73)
Objective: Excel: filtering and review
- keyboarding with Typingmaster or Herzog
- Excel Filtering- Chapter 4, Lesson 4.2, pgs. 76-79
- Excel Ch. 4 Wrap Up, pgs. 80-82 #1-10  (Look up your answers!!)  Print and turn this in with a title and header.

Monday, February 7th

Question of the Day ~ How do you insert a textbox into your Excel spreadsheet? (pg. 70)
Objective: Excel: Ch. 4 review, filter review
- keyboarding with Typingmaster or Herzog
- If necessary - finish Excel Ch. 4 Wrap Up, pgs. 80-82 #1-10  (Look up your answers!!)  Print and turn this in with a title and header.
- Filtering review - pg. 82, Buddy Project, do on your own, filter girls, filter boys, print both filters, staple and turn in

Tuesday, February 8th

Question of the Day ~ What is the purpose for the handles on a picture? (pg. 69)
Objective: Excel: Ch. 4 review, filter review
- keyboarding with Typingmaster or Herzog
- Filtering review - pg. 82, Buddy Project, do on your own, filter girls, filter boys, print both filters, staple and turn in
- Excel Final Project

Wednesday, February 9th

Question of the Day ~ What is an example of an AVERAGE formula? 
Objective: Excel: Ch. 4 review, filter review
- Excel Final Project
- keyboarding with Typingmaster or Herzog

Thursday, February 10th

Question of the Day ~ What is the purpose of Microsoft PowerPoint? 
Objective: Excel: Ch. 4 review, filter review
- Check Infinite Campus and print out Missing Assignment Report
- Keyboarding with Typingmaster or Herzog
- Introduction to PowerPoint

Friday, February 11th

Question of the Day ~ Friday's Question - TBA
Objective: PowerPoint: review Ch. 1 and keyboarding time assessment
- Keyboarding with Typingmaster or Herzog
- Keyboarding Time Test - 11 wpm
- PPT Ch. 1 Wrap Up, pg. 18 #1-10

Monday, February 14th

Question of the Day ~ How do you insert bullets in your PPT slide?
Objective: PowerPoint: bullets & tables and charts
- Keyboarding with Typingmaster or Herzog
- PPT Ch. 2 Bullets, pgs. 21-26
- PPT Ch. 2 Tables and Charts, pgs. 27-31

Tuesday, February 15th

Question of the Day ~ How do you insert a table in your PPT slide?
Objective: PowerPoint: bullets & tables and charts
- Keyboarding with Typingmaster or Herzog
- PPT Ch. 2.2 Tables and Charts, pgs. 27-31
- PPT Ch. 2.3 Photos and Media Clips, pgs. 32-33
- PPT Ch. 2 Wrap Up

Wednesday, February 16th

Question of the Day ~ How do you insert a picture in your PPT slide?
Objective: PowerPoint: photo and media clips
- Keyboarding with Typingmaster or Herzog
- PPT Ch. 2.3 Photos and Media Clips, pgs. 32-33
- PPT Ch. 2 Wrap Up

Thursday, February 17th

Question of the Day ~ How do you change bullets in your PPT slide?
Objective: PowerPoint: review Ch. 2 PPT
- Check Infinite Campus - record grades for Mr. Lucotch and print Missing Assignment sheet to staple on
- Keyboarding with Typingmaster or Herzog
- PPT Ch. 2 Wrap Up

Friday, February 18th

Question of the Day ~ Friday's Question - TBA
Objective: PowerPoint: review Ch. 2 PPT, learn text and picture animations and slide transitions
- Keyboarding with Typingmaster or Herzog
- Keyboarding Time Test
- Finish PPT Ch. 2 Wrap Up
- PPT Ch. 3 - Animations and Transitions, pgs. 37-48

Monday, February 21st

Question of the Day ~ In PPT, what types of SmartArt Graphics are available to choose from for your slides? (pg. 29)
Objective: PowerPoint: review Ch. 3 PPT
- Keyboarding with Typingmaster or Herzog
- PPT Ch. 3 Wrap Up, pgs. 48-50, #1-15 (Look up each answer!)
- PPT Ch. 4 Sounds - if time

Tuesday, February 22nd

Question of the Day ~ In PPT, what is the purpose of transitions? (pg. 38)
Objective: PowerPoint: review Ch. 3 PPT
- Keyboarding with Typingmaster or Herzog
- PPT Ch. 3 Wrap Up, pgs. 48-50, #1-15 (Look up each answer!)
- PPT Ch. 4 Sounds

Wednesday, February 23rd

Question of the Day ~ In PPT, what is the purpose of animations? (pg. 41)
Objective: PowerPoint: PPT Sounds
- Keyboarding with Typingmaster or Herzog
- PPT Ch. 4 Sounds, pg. 51

Thursday, February 24th

Question of the Day ~ In PPT, how do you insert a sound? (pg. 41)
Objective: PowerPoint: PPT Sounds
- Check Infinite Campus - Print Missing Assignment list
- Keyboarding with Typingmaster or Herzog
- PPT Ch. 4 Sounds, pgs. 54-58

Friday, February 25th

No School - Winter Break

Monday, February 28th

Question of the Day ~ In PPT, how do you insert a CD song in your presentation? (pg. 55)
Objective: PowerPoint: PPT Sound Effects and review
- Keyboarding with Typingmaster or Herzog
- PPT Ch. 4 Sound Effects, pgs. 57-58 (We will not complete the lesson on recording sound at this time.)
- PPT Ch. 4 Wrap Up, pg. 61 #1-12

Tuesday, March 1st

Question of the Day ~ In PPT, how do you insert a sound effect in your presentation? (pg. 57)
Objective: PowerPoint: PPT Sound Effects and review
- Keyboarding with Typingmaster or Herzog
- PPT Ch. 4 Wrap Up, pg. 61 #1-12

Wednesday, March 2nd

Question of the Day ~ In PPT, what do you need to remember the font on all of your slides?
Objective: PowerPoint: PPT outline and slides
- Keyboarding with Typingmaster or Herzog
- PPT outline for activity presentation
- Start slides

Thursday, March 3rd

Question of the Day ~ In PPT, what do you need to remember about the text on all of your slides? (Hint: 7x7)
Objective: PowerPoint: PPT outline and slides, clip art, bullets
- Check Infinite Campus.  Print out Missing Assignment list.
- Keyboarding with Typingmaster or Herzog
- Finish PPT outline for activity presentation
- Work on slides with text and clip art/bullets

Friday, March 4th

Question of the Day ~ In PPT, what do you need to remember about the pictures on all of your slides?
Objective: PowerPoint: PPT review
- Keyboarding with Typingmaster or Herzog
- PPT Crossword Review (vocab list is your word list)

Monday, March 7th

Question of the Day ~ In PPT, how do you animate the words on your slides?
Objective: PowerPoint: PPT review, slide animation and transitions
- Finish PPT Crossword Review (vocab list is your word list)
- Animate text and insert transitions on each slide in your activity presentation

Tuesday, March 8th

Question of the Day ~ In PPT, how do you add transitions to your slides?
Objective: PowerPoint: slide animation, transitions, bullets, Internet sounds
- Animate text and insert transitions on each slide in your activity presentation
- Change bullets if desired
- Insert Internet sounds

Wednesday, March 9th

Question of the Day ~ In PPT, how do you add animations to your pictures?
Objective: PowerPoint: Internet sounds
- Animate text and insert transitions on each slide in your activity presentation
- Change bullets if desired
- Insert Internet sounds

Thursday, March 10th (short period)

Question of the Day ~ In PPT, how do you add Internet sounds to your pictures?
Objective: PowerPoint: Internet sounds & pictures
- Check Infinite Campus, Print Missing Assignment reports
- Animate text and insert transitions on each slide in your activity presentation
- Change bullets if desired
- Insert Internet sounds
- Insert Internet pictures with citations (if time)

Friday, March 11th

Question of the Day ~ Friday's Question: What is your favorite piece of technology and why?
Objective: PowerPoint: Internet pictures with citations, notes pages format
- Keyboarding - Typingmaster or Herzog
- Animate text and insert transitions on each slide in your activity presentation
- Change bullets if desired
- Insert Internet sounds
- Insert Internet pictures with citations
- Notes pages format and examples

Monday, March 14th

Question of the Day ~ What website do we use to for picture citations and which style do we choose (APA or MLA)?
Objective: PowerPoint: Notes Pages (follow format)
- Insert Internet pictures with citations
- Complete Notes Pages for your presentation

Tuesday, March 15th

Question of the Day ~ In your presentation, what format do you need to have for your notes pages from slide 3-5?
Objective: PowerPoint: Notes Pages (follow format)
- Insert Internet pictures with citations
- Complete Notes Pages for your presentation
- Inserting WordArt

Wednesday, March 16th

Question of the Day ~ In your presentation, what do you need to have on your notes page for slide 1?
Objective: PowerPoint: Notes Pages (follow format)
- Keyboarding - Typingmaster or Herzog (10 minutes)
- Insert Internet pictures with citations
- Complete Notes Pages for your presentation
- Complete PowerPoint Check Off Sheet and turn it in
- If finished with EVERYTHING on check off sheet except printing, you may start a presentation on your favorite animal

Thursday, March 17th

Question of the Day ~ In your presentation, what do you need to have on your notes page for slide 2?
Objective: PowerPoint: Notes Pages (follow format)
- Check Infinite Campus - print out a Missing Assignment report if necessary
- Keyboarding - Typingmaster or Herzog (10 minutes)
- Insert Internet pictures with citations
- Complete Notes Pages for your presentation
- Complete PowerPoint Check Off Sheet and turn it in
- If finished with EVERYTHING on check off sheet except printing, you may start a presentation on your favorite animal

Friday, March 18th

Question of the Day ~ Friday's Question - TBA
Objective: PowerPoint: Notes Pages, WordArt, check-off sheet, printing notes pages
- Keyboarding - Typingmaster or Herzog (10 minutes)
- Insert Internet pictures with citations
- Complete Notes Pages for your presentation
- Complete PowerPoint Check Off Sheet and turn it in
- If finished with EVERYTHING on check off sheet except printing, you may start a presentation on your favorite animal
- Instruction on printing notes pages

Monday, March 21st

Question of the Day ~ In PowerPoint, how do you get to Print Preview and where do you find the "Notes Pages" to print within the Print Preview window? (try this)
Objective: PowerPoint: Notes Pages, WordArt, check-off sheet, printing notes pages
- Keyboarding - Typingmaster or Herzog (10 minutes)
- Insert Internet pictures with citations
- Complete Notes Pages for your presentation
- Complete PowerPoint Check Off Sheet and turn it in
- If finished with EVERYTHING on check off sheet except printing, you may start a presentation on your favorite animal
- Instruction on printing notes pages

Tuesday, March 22nd

Question of the Day ~ In PowerPoint, how would you print handouts of your presentation?
Objective: PowerPoint: Notes Pages, WordArt, check-off sheet, printing notes pages, preparation to orally present
- Keyboarding - Typingmaster or Herzog (10 minutes)
- Work on finishing your activity presentation - print notes pages
- Instruction on orally presenting presentation
- Start presentations

Wednesday, March 23rd

Question of the Day ~ In PowerPoint, how would you print an outline of your presentation?
Objective: PowerPoint: oral presentation
- Keyboarding - Typingmaster or Herzog (10 minutes)
- Oral presentations

Thursday, March 24th

Question of the Day ~ When you orally present your PowerPoint presentation, what do you need to remember about your eyes and voice?
Objective: PowerPoint: oral presentation
- Check Infinite Campus - print out Missing Assignment sheet if necessary
- Keyboarding - Typingmaster or Herzog (10 minutes)
- Oral presentations

Friday, March 25th

Question of the Day ~ Friday's Question - TBA
Objective: PowerPoint: oral presentation
- Keyboarding - Typingmaster or Herzog (10 minutes)
- Oral presentations

Monday, March 28th

Question of the Day ~ What is the purpose of Micorosoft Access?
Objective: Access - navigating a database
- Keyboarding - Typingmaster or Herzog (10 minutes)
- Microsoft Access pgs. 10-12
- Access Ch. 1 Wrap Up, pgs. 13-16, #1-14 (Look up your answers!)

Tuesday, March 29th

Question of the Day ~ In MS Access, what is a field?
Objective: Access-  navigating a database
- Microsoft Access Chapter 1 Wrap Up
- Keyboarding - Typingmaster or Herzog

Wednesday, March 30th (short period - early release)

Question of the Day ~ In MS Access, what is a record?
Objective: Access-  creating a database
- Keyboarding - Typingmaster or Herzog
- Microsoft Access Lesson 2.1 Tables, pgs. 18-23 together

Thursday, March 31st

Question of the Day ~ In MS Access, how do you create a table?
Objective: Access-  creating a database
- Check Infinite Campus - may have grades and missing work for 4th quarter
- Keyboarding - Typingmaster or Herzog
- Microsoft Access Lesson 2.1 Tables, pgs. 21-23 together
- Microsoft Access Lesson 2.2 Forms, pgs. 24-26

Friday, April 1st

Question of the Day ~ Friday's Question - TBA
Objective: Access-  creating a database form
- Keyboarding - Typingmaster or Herzog
- Microsoft Access Lesson 2.2 Forms, pgs. 24-26
- Microsoft Access Lesson 2 Chapter Wrap Up

Monday, April 4th

Question of the Day ~ How do you create a form in Microsoft Access?
Objective: Access-  formatting and editing in Access
- Keyboarding - Typingmaster or Herzog
- Microsoft Access Lesson 3.1, Formatting Cells, pgs. 32-36 together
- If time - Access Lesson 3.2, Editing a Database, pgs. 37-40

Tuesday, April 5th

Question of the Day ~ How do you add fields in Microsoft Access?
Objective: Access-  formatting and editing in Access
- Keyboarding - Typingmaster or Herzog
- Microsoft Access Lesson 3.1, Formatting Cells, pgs. 35-36 together
- Access Lesson 3.2, Editing a Database, pgs. 37-40

Wednesday, April 6th

Question of the Day ~ How do you add records in Microsoft Access?
Objective: Access-  editing in Access
- Keyboarding - Typingmaster or Herzog
- Access Lesson 3.2, Editing a Database, pgs. 38-40

- Access Lesson 3 Wrap Up, pgs. 41-43, #1-12

Thursday, April 7th

Question of the Day ~ How could you use Access at home?
Objective: Access-  editing in Access, review Ch. 3
- Keyboarding - Typingmaster or Herzog
- Access Lesson 3 Wrap Up, pgs. 41-43, #1-12

Friday, April 8th

Question of the Day ~ Friday's Question - TBA
Objective: Access-  queries and filters
- Keyboarding - Typingmaster or Herzog
- Access Lesson 4.1: Queries and Filters, pgs. 46-52

Monday, April 11th

Question of the Day ~ In Access, what is a query?
Objective: Access-  reports and review
- Keyboarding - Typingmaster or Herzog
- Access Lesson 4.2: Reports, pgs. 53-59
- If time: Access Ch. 4 Wrap Up, pgs. 60-62, #1-12

Tuesday, April 12th

Question of the Day ~ In Access, what is a report?
Objective: Access-  reports and review
- Keyboarding - Typingmaster or Herzog
- Access Ch. 4 Wrap Up, pgs. 60-62, #1-12   & corrections
- Start our own address database

Wednesday, April 13th

Question of the Day ~ In Access, what is an address database?
Objective: Access-  reports and review
- Keyboarding - Typingmaster or Herzog
- Access Ch. 4 Wrap Up corrections
- Start our own address database

Thursday, April 14th

Question of the Day ~ In Access, what is the name of one field you would have in your address database?
Objective: Access-  create database
- Check Infinite Campus
- Keyboarding - Typingmaster or Herzog
- Work on address database

Friday, April 15th

Question of the Day ~ What favorite vacation and why?
Objective: Access-  entering records, query, form, and report
- Keyboarding - Typingmaster or Herzog  (enter records in address database if not finished with 10)
- Address Database - query, form, and report

Monday, April 18th

Question of the Day ~ What kinds of camera angles do you think you can have when shooting video?
Objective: Video shots and angles
- Keyboarding - Typingmaster or Herzog  (enter records in address database if not finished with 10)
- Video shots and angles: reading, reviewing, and viewing

Tuesday, April 19th

Question of the Day ~ In video, what is a subjective angle?
Objective: Video shots and angles
- Keyboarding - Typingmaster or Herzog  (enter records in address database if not finished with 10)
- Video shots and angles: review each shot, angle, rule of thirds, and cutting points in video/photography
- Learn about the cameras/tripods

Wednesday, April 20th

Question of the Day ~ In video, what is an objective angle?
Objective: Video shots and angles
- Keyboarding - Typingmaster or Herzog 
- Study Shots and Angles packet for the Shots and Angles Quiz
- Video Shots and Angles Quiz
- As part of your quiz, go to: http://www.thewildclassroom.com/wildfilmschool/gettingstarted/camerashots.html (An Example: A story about a small island in Panama) and write down all the camera shots and angles you can see in this video (at least 10). You can do this on the back of your test. Please write down shot/angle with subject such as: "close up shot of mushrooms"
- Research "new technology" at www.google.com with your partner to find a new technology you would like to report about in your video project

Tuesday, April 26th

Question of the Day ~ In video, what is an oblique angle?
Objective: Video shots and angles
- Keyboarding - Typingmaster or Herzog 
- Research "new technology" at www.google.com with your partner to find a new technology you would like to report about in your video project
- Write down 5 facts for EACH partner to tell about your technology
- You will be a reporter, telling your audience all about this technology so you can practice/rehearse giving your report to each other - just as you will do on camera
- If time, you can use the camera and tripod to practice recording the rehearsals (in classroom)
- We will start shooting the shots we will use tomorrow

Wednesday, April 27th

Question of the Day ~ In video, what is an close up shot?
Objective: technology video facts
- Keyboarding - Typingmaster or Herzog 
- Research "new technology" at
www.google.com with your partner to find a new technology you would like to report about in your video project
- Write down 5 facts for EACH partner to tell about your technology
- You will be a reporter, telling your audience all about this technology so you can practice/rehearse giving your report to each other - just as you will do on camera
- If time, you can use the camera and tripod to practice recording the rehearsals (in classroom)

Thursday, April 28th

MAP Testing - Math

Friday, April 29th

Question of the Day ~ Friday's Question -  TBA
Objective: technology video facts, video storyboards
- Keyboarding - Typingmaster or Herzog 
- Research "new technology" at
www.google.com with your partner to find a new technology you would like to report about in your video project
- Write down 5 facts for EACH partner to tell about your technology
- You will be a reporter, telling your audience all about this technology so you can practice/rehearse giving your report to each other - just as you will do on camera
- Complete video storyboard

Monday, May 2nd

Question of the Day ~ How do you write the script for your storyboard?
Objective: video storyboards
- Keyboarding - Typingmaster or Herzog 

- Complete video storyboard - follow example storyboards - make sure all your facts about the technology are included so the viewers will truly understand what you are presenting
- You will be a reporter, telling your audience all about this technology so you can practice/rehearse giving your report to each other - just as you will do on camera

Tuesday, May 3rd

MAP Testing - Reading

Wednesday, May 4th

Question of the Day ~ What is an important point to remember when talking into a video camera?
Objective: video storyboards
- Keyboarding - Typingmaster or Herzog 

- Complete video storyboard - follow example storyboards - make sure all your facts about the technology are included so the viewers will truly understand what you are presenting
- You will be a reporter, telling your audience all about this technology so you can practice/rehearse giving your report to each other - just as you will do on camera
-  View example videos

Thursday, May 5th

Question of the Day ~ What is one thing you learned about shooting video correctly after watching the video examples from yesterday?
Objective: video storyboards, flip cameras, tripods
- Keyboarding - Typingmaster or Herzog 
- Complete video storyboard - follow example storyboards - make sure all your facts about the technology are included so the viewers will truly understand what you are presenting
- You will be a reporter, telling your audience all about this technology so you can practice/rehearse giving your report to each other - just as you will do on camera
-  Learn about cameras and begin shooting video

Friday, May 6th

Question of the Day ~ Friday's Question: TBA
Objective: video storyboards, flip cameras, tripods
- Keyboarding - Typingmaster or Herzog 
- Complete video storyboard - follow example storyboards - make sure all your facts about the technology are included so the viewers will truly understand what you are presenting
- You will be a reporter, telling your audience all about this technology so you can practice/rehearse giving your report to each other - just as you will do on camera
-  Learn about cameras and begin shooting video

Monday, May 9th

Question of the Day ~ When shooting video, what is a high angle?
Objective: video storyboards, flip cameras, tripods
- Keyboarding - Typingmaster or Herzog 
- Complete video storyboard - follow example storyboards - make sure all your facts about the technology are included so the viewers will truly understand what you are presenting
- You will be a reporter, telling your audience all about this technology so you can practice/rehearse giving your report to each other - just as you will do on camera
-  Begin shooting video

Tuesday, May 10th

MAP Testing - Language

Wednesday, May 11th

Question of the Day ~ When shooting video, what is a low angle?
Objective: video storyboards, flip cameras, tripods
- Keyboarding - Typingmaster or Herzog 
- Complete video storyboard - follow example storyboards - make sure all your facts about the technology are included so the viewers will truly understand what you are presenting
- You will be a reporter, telling your audience all about this technology so you can practice/rehearse giving your report to each other - just as you will do on camera
-  Begin shooting video

Thursday, May 12th

Question of the Day ~ When shooting video, what is an extreme long shot?
Objective: video storyboards, flip cameras, tripods
- Keyboarding - Typingmaster or Herzog 
- Complete video storyboard - follow example storyboards - make sure all your facts about the technology are included so the viewers will truly understand what you are presenting
- You will be a reporter, telling your audience all about this technology so you can practice/rehearse giving your report to each other - just as you will do on camera
-  Begin shooting video - use flip cameras, attach them to tripods, press the power button to record (make sure 5 seconds before starting action and 5 seconds after action), rehearse video shots in our room only, watch your videos on the camera to see where you may need to change or improve and continue shooting video to practice

Friday, May 13th

Question of the Day ~ Friday's Question - TBA
Objective: video storyboards, flip cameras, tripods
- Keyboarding - Typingmaster or Herzog 
-  Begin shooting video - use flip cameras, attach them to tripods, press the power button to record (make sure 5 seconds before starting action and 5 seconds after action), rehearse video shots in our room only, watch your videos on the camera to see where you may need to change or improve and continue shooting video to practice

Monday, May 16th

Question of the Day ~ What do you need to have at the beginning of your technology video so that your audience knows who you are and what you are going to talk about?
Objective: flip cameras, tripods, shooting video
- Keyboarding - Typingmaster or Herzog 
-  Begin shooting video - use flip cameras, attach them to tripods, press the power button to record (make sure 5 seconds before starting action and 5 seconds after action), rehearse video shots in our room only, watch your videos on the camera to see where you may need to change or improve and continue shooting video to practice
- If you have completed your practice you then you may choose and area to create your video, take your camera, tripod and storyboard and start shooting.  Delete shots that you do not want in your video.

Tuesday, May 17th

Question of the Day ~ Why do we use a tripod when shooting our videos?
Objective: flip cameras, tripods, shooting video
- Keyboarding - Typingmaster or Herzog 
- Shooting video - use flip cameras, attach them to tripods, press the power button to record (make sure 5 seconds before starting action and 5 seconds after action), rehearse video shots in our room only, watch your videos on the camera to see where you may need to change or improve and continue shooting video to practice
- If you have completed your practice you then you may choose and area to create your video, take your camera, tripod and storyboard and start shooting.  Delete shots that you do not want in your video.

Wednesday, May 18th

Question of the Day ~ Why do we practice our video shots?
Objective: flip cameras, tripods, shooting video
- Keyboarding - Typingmaster or Herzog 
- Shooting video - use flip cameras, attach them to tripods, press the power button to record (make sure 5 seconds before starting action and 5 seconds after action), rehearse video shots in our room only, watch your videos on the camera to see where you may need to change or improve and continue shooting video to practice
- If you have completed your practice you then you may choose and area to create your video, take your camera, tripod and storyboard and start shooting.  Delete shots that you do not want in your video.

Thursday, May 19th

Question of the Day ~ In the camera view finder (window), where should the subjects eye be located?
Objective: flip cameras, tripods, shooting video
- Check Infinite Campus
- Keyboarding - Typingmaster or Herzog 
- Shooting video - use flip cameras, attach them to tripods, press the power button to record (make sure 5 seconds before starting action and 5 seconds after action), rehearse video shots in our room only, watch your videos on the camera to see where you may need to change or improve and continue shooting video to practice
- If you have completed your practice you then you may choose and area to create your video, take your camera, tripod and storyboard and start shooting.  Delete shots that you do not want in your video.
- Save videos to your computer for editing

Friday, May 20th

Question of the Day ~ What do you look forward to in 8th grade?
Objective: flip cameras, tripods, shooting video, editing video
- Check Infinite Campus
- Keyboarding - Typingmaster or Herzog 
- Shooting video - use flip cameras, attach them to tripods, press the power button to record (make sure 5 seconds before starting action and 5 seconds after action), rehearse video shots in our room only, watch your videos on the camera to see where you may need to change or improve and continue shooting video to practice
- If you have completed your practice you then you may choose and area to create your video, take your camera, tripod and storyboard and start shooting.  Delete shots that you do not want in your video.
- Save videos to your computer for editing
- Editing videos with Pinnacle Studio

Monday, May 23rd

Question of the Day ~ Which button do you click in Pinnacle Studio to work with titles?
Objective: editing video
- Keyboarding - Typingmaster or Herzog 
- Editing videos with Pinnacle Studio
    - Click on "Edit" tab in Pinnacle
    - Work with Video Camera (pic of camera), Titles (T), and Transition (lightning bolt)
    - Cut your shots to the appropriate length, create your title and credits, 
       insert the transitions between the first title and first shot and from last 
       shot to credits
    - Save your project

Tuesday, May 24th

Question of the Day ~ In Microsoft Word, which menu would you use to insert a picture?
Objective: editing video, review Office
- Keyboarding - Typingmaster or Herzog 
- Editing videos with Pinnacle Studio
    - Click on "Edit" tab in Pinnacle
    - Work with Video Camera (pic of camera), Titles (T), and Transition (lightning bolt)
    - Cut your shots to the appropriate length, create your title and credits, 
       insert the transitions between the first title and first shot and from last 
       shot to credits
    - Add music to your title shots
    - Save your project
- Review Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access

Wednesday, May 25th

Question of the Day ~ In Microsoft Excel, which tab do you click to use the font tools such as Bold and Italics?
Objective: editing video, review Office
- Keyboarding - Typingmaster or Herzog 
- Editing videos with Pinnacle Studio
    - Click on "Edit" tab in Pinnacle
    - Work with Video Camera (pic of camera), Titles (T), and Transition (lightning bolt)
    - Cut your shots to the appropriate length, create your title and credits, 
       insert the transitions between the first title and first shot and from last 
       shot to credits
    - Add music to your title shots
    - Save your project
- Review Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access

Thursday, May 26th

Question of the Day ~ What is the difference between a Podcast and a Wiki?
Objective: technology skills review, finish video
- Technology Skills Review
- Editing videos with Pinnacle Studio
    - Click on "Edit" tab in Pinnacle
    - Work with Video Camera (pic of camera), Titles (T), and Transition (lightning bolt)
    - Cut your shots to the appropriate length, create your title and credits, 
       insert the transitions between the first title and first shot and from last 
       shot to credits
    - Add music to your title shots
    - Save your project

Friday, May 27th

Question of the Day ~ What is an online Discussion Board?
Objective: technology skills review, finish video
- Technology Skills Review
- Editing videos with Pinnacle Studio
    - Click on "Edit" tab in Pinnacle
    - Work with Video Camera (pic of camera), Titles (T), and Transition (lightning bolt)
    - Cut your shots to the appropriate length, create your title and credits, 
       insert the transitions between the first title and first shot and from last 
       shot to credits
    - Add music to your title shots
    - Save your project

Tuesday, May 31st

Question of the Day ~ What is the difference between a blog and a chat room?
Objective: technology skills review, finish video
- Technology Skills Review
- Complete your technology video and save